“Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many.”
Realizing that aging begins with conception and continues day by day as we are born, may this blog be a tribute to everyone who has already run part of life’s marathon. Applause to all SENIORS who have successfully reached retirement, now concentrating to celebrate life in its stage of true fulfillment. While looking forward to new and exciting adventures, racing after the fountain-of-youth has long become unimportant. Allow me to play two roles throughout this article, admirer and cheerleader as well as humble teacher; teaching the importance of seeking “Intelligent Wellness” regardless of age, explained in the last paragraph.
Reflecting on the “value of aging”, no doubt, most of us think of wine, cheese, beef, trees, violins or antiques. How about directing our thoughts toward the value of healthy aging with its potential to bring greater worth to human life? Let’s ponder for a moment: Age replaces the greenness of youth with depth and maturity, enhances desirable qualities of personality, smooths out roughness of character, teaches the depth of emotional and spiritual aspects, and lastly, develops one’s voice and authority as a living link to the past.
In his book “Secrets of Longevity”, Dr. Mao Shing reminds that achieving a fulfilling life and personal legacy means “bringing it all together”. Life without meaning is empty, but meaning has to be created by you, not anyone else. Most everyone strives for health and wisdom, not easily definable, but regarded as the highest human achievement. The funny thing is that wisdom usually does not appear until you are older, and yet no one wants to be older. Wisdom is essential to achieve health, and staying healthy in turn enables you to maximize your life span and acquire even more wisdom.
Touching a few hints and tips of longevity, Dr. Shing recommends to
spice up circulation with cayenne,
unclog your arteries with love,
lower your blood pressure with olive oil,
meditate your stress away,
slim down and take long walks for a long life,
grounding with Mother Earth.
This being shared, I would like to include the benefit of magnetic resonance stimulation (MRS), or as mentioned at the beginning of my blog, seeking “Intelligent Wellness” by staying connected with Mother Earth. In fact, this is and was the topic taught throughout this website. To maintain personal well-being and health, magnetic resonance stimulation, replicating the earth’s magnetic field, can be applied in the comfort of your home. Experiencing the gentle force of nature, embedded in a comfortable magnetic field home device, could present another adventurous routine. Therefore, let’s examine the proven value of this treatment method:
Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) are beneficial in every walk of life, improving range of motion, energy, vitality and strength. It boosts circulation, considerably increasing oxygen utilization throughout the body and the brain. Magnetic field therapy provides metabolic support for bed-bound people, can successfully be used in pain management, optimizes physical and psychological balance, relieves depression by balancing the autonomic nervous system, and is successfully used in the field of ophthalmology. While transmitting frequencies of health into the body within the speed of light, 75 Trillion cells will rejuvenate, thus improving general life quality with absolutely no side effect. Healthy cells, healthy body! Comprehensive scientific studies have proven the medical effect of magnetic resonance stimulation for over 20 years world wide.
Should anyone wonder about “anti-aging”, I would like to add that MRS can offer this as well. In addition to above mentioned benefits, regular appliance of pulsed electormagnetic fields increases the production of human growth hormones (HGH) indirectly by increasing the length of deep sleep phases. Whether muscle growth, libido or keeping your skin smooth, there is virtually nothing that HGH, which by the way is produced in huge quantities in children and youth, cannot do.
May the following TESTIMONIALS prove and enlighten that age represents only numbers, written in our birth certificates, and it is up to us what they mean.
Sending you gratitude for the information re: health for the elderly…..
My Father who is half way to 94 years old has been on the mat the past 3 years, twice daily….He now takes no medications, his blood work is excellent, his PSA numbers are excellent, the arthritis in his right hand is gone, he walks a half -mile each day, cruises in his auto for numerous events, cuts the grass with a push mower, and is consistently found in his garage working on projects of all sorts…..
Blessed be the PEMF mat!”
Warmly Pulsing on……………Paul Bando,, PA
“Up to her tender age of 97, Anna Bernhard commuted between Munich and Denver without any help, God forbid a wheelchair, walking straight and energetically looking forward to visit her great-grandchildren. She did this without an escort, charming the world like a 79 year old. The mat became Anna’s loyal companion when she reached 80. Her osteoporosis came to a complete halt, as well as other visible signs of aging. Bless her heart, Anna, my beloved mom! “
Dr. Konstantin Bernhard, Munich, Germany
“I just turned 80 years old and for the past 9 years, I have been on my mat every day. Folks think I am 60 years old; I feel like I am 50. The MRS2000 (iMRS) has changed my life and allowed me to be free of pain and mentally alert. Many of my friends wonder why I am still working at the age of 80 and feel so young. Again, this is the reason: For 9 years, I have enjoyed my daily 16 minute relax session on this wonderful German magnetic field device. It feels like “jump starting” the “battery” of all my cells. My young wife, Sheryl, uses the mat preventative as well. Don’t let trouble begin! Thank you”
Bruce Kollath
Coconut Creek, F