
Balancing the subconsciously controlled autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) through pulsed magnetic field therapy was frequently mentioned during our seminar. As a matter of fact, it may be one of the most important MRS attributes to achieve well-being.

We also covered that applied kinesiology is often used to find correct intensities. During my education, I have met several German MDs who preferred to double check intensity settings, using kinesiology. Basic muscle testing can even be administered by every MRS user personally.

We further explored the possibility of placebo effects in conjunction with MRS and placed a label on that process, examining the yes and the no, providing many studies.

All three above mentioned phenomena interact with the conscious and the subconsciousPlacebo finds its way into the subconscious through the conscious mind and fulfills its expectations. Kinesiology works only through the subconscious mind. Using your muscle, practitioners can find out what events or stimuli “weakens” or “strengthens” your body. It works because of what quantum physics calls Quantum Entanglement. At the unconscious level you know everything,. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system, functioning largely below the level of consciousness and controls functions like heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, etc. etc.

In this connection, and because it will provide an exciting insight into the human mind, let us do an excursion into this topic, guided by Joseph Murphy, PhD, D.D., author of the book, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

“Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true,
your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good
fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life”

Your mind is your most precious possession. The conscious and subconscious are not two minds.  They are merely two spheres of activity within one mind. Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind, the mind that chooses and makes all decisions. It is sometimes referred to as your objective mind because it deals with outward objects. Your objective mind is aware of the objective world.  Its media of observation are your physical senses. It guides and directs you in your contact with your environment.

Your subconscious mind is often referred to as your subjective mind which is aware of its environment, but not by means of the physical sense. Your subjective mind perceives by intuition. It is the seat of your emotions and the storehouse of memory. It is the intelligence that makes itself known when the objective mind is suspended or in a sleepy state.  Your subjective mind sees and knows without the use of the natural organs or vision. It has the capacity of clairvoyance and clairaudience. It also controls your heartbeat and the circulation of your blood as well as all other subconscious functions of your body. It knows the answer to all problems. Your subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests, but is always on the job.

Once we understand the interaction of the objective and subjective minds, we are in a better position to learn the true art of prayer.

“You have the power to choose. Choose health and happiness. You can choose
to be friendly, or you can choose to be unfriendly. Choose to be cooperative,
joyous, friendly, lovable, and the whole world will respond.”

Your subconscious cannot argue.  It acts only from what you write on it.  It accepts your verdict or the conclusions of your conscious mind as final.  This is why you are always writing on the book of life, because your thoughts become your experiences. “Man is what he thinks all day long”

As within, so without;
As above, so below.


H E R M I N A -☺


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