Regions and Curves of the SpineMany orthopedists may confirm that back pain is the primary reason for filling their offices or clinics. Low back pain affects 80% of all Americans. This means that at any given moment, over one of every 10 people is experiencing back pain.  Most back pain resolves spontaneously. It is often associated with overexertion, but just as commonly, it is related to inactivity. In fact, as per Dr. Joel Carmichael, CD DACBSP, lack of movement is the bane of industrialized nations, and thus at the root of modern society’s back pain problem. We no longer hunt for food or gather berries and nuts, but are sometimes forced to sit by far more than we should to keep a healthy body.

PEMF may bring partial solution to this problem. Quoting Dr. med. Juergen Schmitt, top orthopedist in Munich:  There can be no doubt that magnetic resonance stimulation (MRS)  has long proven itself as an indispensable complementary treatment method, not only to treat various back pains, but also to help prevent its onset.    How and why?

Hyperpolarization of the cell membrane resulting in relaxation of the tissue achieved by magnetic resonance stimulation is the logical explanation. In other words and for better understanding:  Pulsating magnetic fields produce tiny electromagnetic impulses (inductions) in the body.  These electromagnetic impulses in turn produce surges at the transmission points of nerve and muscle cells, called “hyperpolarization”.  When nerve impulses to muscle cells are reduced, the muscle loses tension and is able to relax. This has a positive effect on the entire body, improving blood circulation, as well as controlling pain by raising the pain threshold. Muscle relaxation is most valuable in case of back problems, also before athletic competition.  Excessive tension can be reduced to a healthy extent.

Normally, when pressure is applied to a spinal nerve, an alarm message is sent to the brain. We now experience pain. The brain then tries to immobilize the affected region in the body by increasing muscle tension. When a muscle becomes tense, it naturally exerts an increased pressure on the tissue and nerves.  The pain receptors on the vertebrae are especially sensitive here. This new situation increases pressure or pain, signaling an even stronger message to the brain.  The brain now seriously attempts to immobilize the body, increasing the already existing tension and the same process begins from where it started.  Pain becomes even more severe.

THIS CYCLE CAN BE INTERRUPTED WITH MAGNETIC FIELD THERAPY AND UTILIZED IN A POSITIVE MANNER.  The magnetic field prevents excessive stimuli from being relayed to the brain, the brain records less pain and consequently muscle tension is relieved.  This in turn reduces pressure on tissue, muscle spasm and pain. Irritated or injured nerves can now regenerate.

SUMMARIZING THE EFFECT OF MAGNETIC FIELD THERAPY ON BACK PAIN:  Relaxing muscle, stopping cramping, rejuvenating nerves, relieving pain (by raising the stimulus threshold of the nerve ending), improving circulation, balancing the autonomic nervous system and thus releasing stress which can also be caused by pain.

Special instruction on use:  Keep knees bent while on the mat! (Stabilizing the pelvis, relaxing back muscles).

Forms of therapy supportive of MRS:  Relaxation exercises, chiropractic, homeopathic remedies, shiatsu massage, neural therapy, keeping a daily walking routine.