To some of us,  submitting yourself in an operating room is similar to stepping into an airplane. You deliver yourself into the hands of semi-strangers and give them the license – actually pay them money – to either fly you to a destination or to open up your body. You need to trust the captain or the surgeon to be in absolute control of what has to be achieved. Hard science and skill need to be on your side.

doctor_physician_surgeryEven though 40% of Americans report receiving some kind of complementary or alternative medicine, CAM had a hard time being incorporated in pre- or post-surgical wards. However, as published in TIME Magazine, a new hospital program is now offering integrated or CAM treatments that help relieve the physical, mental and emotional problems that often accompany surgical procedures. As pointed out by Jeffrey Kluger, “surgery isn’t just about repairing or removing sick tissue, it’s about fear, pain, depression, and stress, not to mention the deep existential terror that comes from walking into a hospital and knowing there’s a risk that you may not walk out again. These emotions can not be diagnosed with a CT scan or treated mechanically.”

It is long known that healing is not only the miracle of our body, but also in close connection with personal trust and the subconscious mind. Accompanying the patient with complementary and comforting measures can create an additional miracle. “Patients experience pain for a lot of reasons”, says a Mayo Clinic integrative health specialist. “There is pain from the long hours spent on the table, there’s pain from the unfamiliar hospital bed. There’s pain, too, simply from holding so much tension and from what’s known as guarding behavior – positioning yourself differently after surgery to protect tubes and lines”. All of this makes feeling better difficult, not to mention actually getting better.  Here alternative intervention comes to rescue, speeding up the healing process.

Just 20 minutes of hands-on attention, like a gentle massage, can ease the tension and even contribute to a good night sleep. There have been similar results administering audio-therapy, simply listening to music or recorded nature sounds, reducing post-surgical pain and anxiety. Mayo doctors learned that acupuncture administered 30 minutes to three hours before surgery could prevent or at least reduce nausea, a common side effect of general anesthesia. Patients have received benefits from aromatherapy with spearmint, peppermint, ginger, or lavender oils. Reiki – a sort of laying hands on has reduced stress and sped healing. Patients are being offered Yoga, tai chi, and even animal therapy.

As demonstrated throughout these website sessions, magnetic resonance stimulation (MRS) may be one of the MOST effective healing companions within the field of complementary and integrative treatment methods. A recent study on postoperative recovery led to the conclusion that PEMF therapy significantly reduced postoperative pain and narcotic use in the immediate postoperative period due to its effect on nitric oxide signaling, which could impact the speed and quality of wound repair (Rohde et al., June 2009, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Columbia, NY). Not only was magnetic field therapy approved by the FDA in 1979 for bone and wound healing, it has proven itself most valuable in treating health challenges from A to Z. “There is no other biophysical process that has aroused more interest over the past decades among medical science than magnetic field therapy” (Dr. med. Rolf-Rainer Krapf).

In the book: Magnetic Resonance Stimulation” by Dr. Joel P Carmichael, DC, DACBSP, Chapter: “Quantum Mechanics in Health and Disease”, we can learn about the difficulties of wound healing when faced with diabetics. In many cases antibiotics and topical treatments are useless. “Then we place the diseased limb in a magnetic field and within days we begin to see a miracle happen. The ulcer begins to shrink and the depth of the wound begins to fill in with healthy tissue. We are at the intersection point between the power of electrons and biological healing. While we don’t need to become physicians, all of us need to understand and use energy better, and when we do, we’ll enjoy better health”


H E R M I N A -☺


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