From the Desk of German Doctors

Documentation From the Desk of German MDs


This website page will provide translated excerpts from articles by German doctors, representing specific medical fields. Most articles were published in Magnetic Field Therapy Journals, covering the use and the benefits of MRS (abstracts and/or conclusion).


“Energy medicine, medicine of the future”
“MRS most valuable in the orthopedic office”
“MRS in medicine for men”
“MRS in dentistry”
“MRS important for diabetes”
“MRS in the field of oncology”

And other valuable articles

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* The information on this website is not intended to be used as, or substituted for, the advice provided by your healthcare provider. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking professional medical care because of something you read on this website.

Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy – GREEN MEDICINE

Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy (to be exact:  Magnetic Resonance Stimulation) represents a gentle natural healing method, increasingly important for mental well-being. This high tech therapy has been used in University Clinics for quite some time, offering great results with no side effects.    Dr. Oliver Seemann, MD, Specialist in Psychiatry [...]

By |2018-10-05T22:01:19-06:00September 21, 2018|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy – GREEN MEDICINE

MRS in the Field of Oncology

Translated extracts of six MD articles pertaining to MRS in conjunction with cancer, published in Informationsdienst Mangetfeldtherapie (Sonderausgabe Krebs) DR. MED. MANFRED GABRYS, BAD SODEN-ALTENDORF, GERMANY Head of an Oncology Rehabilitation Clinic (Onkologische Rehabilitation der Sonnenberg Klinik)   Magnetic Field Therapy reveals HOPE “Magnetic energy is the elementary energy [...]

By |2025-01-11T11:06:46-07:00February 9, 2012|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on MRS in the Field of Oncology

“There is virtually no other biophysical process that has aroused so much interest as MRS….” (+ Webinar)

Dr. med. Rolf-Rainer Krapf, Ettlingen, Germany IMA International Medical Academy Translated excerpt from the book “Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy – Study research and state of the scientific discussion” “There is virtually no other biophysical process that has aroused so much interest over the past decades as magnetic field therapy. [...]

By |2019-02-19T09:40:37-07:00January 9, 2012|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on “There is virtually no other biophysical process that has aroused so much interest as MRS….” (+ Webinar)

Powerful Voices of the Past Benefit PEMF Today

Doctors Introduce Themselves (Magnetfeldtherapie Aktuell Journal, Germany) Six German MDs share their practice experience with Magnetic Resonance Stimulation (MRS) Translation: Dr. Florian Davidis, MD Doctors answer Magnetic Field Therapy Questions Petra H. Stellte, Germany, asked the following question: "Since my son (5 years old) is suffering from asthma and [...]

By |2018-09-25T11:28:28-06:00September 22, 2018|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on Powerful Voices of the Past Benefit PEMF Today
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