
About Hermina Danneil

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So far Hermina Danneil has created 129 blog entries.

MRS in the Field of Oncology

Translated extracts of six MD articles pertaining to MRS in conjunction with cancer, published in Informationsdienst Mangetfeldtherapie (Sonderausgabe Krebs) DR. MED. MANFRED GABRYS, BAD SODEN-ALTENDORF, GERMANY Head of an Oncology Rehabilitation Clinic (Onkologische Rehabilitation der Sonnenberg Klinik)   Magnetic Field Therapy reveals HOPE “Magnetic energy is the elementary energy [...]

By |2025-01-11T11:06:46-07:00February 9, 2012|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on MRS in the Field of Oncology

How to categorize illnesses

ILLNESS CATEGORIES: Acute Subacute Chronic The quicker an acute illness is treated through a biological naturopathic approach, the lower the risk, turning into a chronic condition. In our search for correct intensity settings, it may be helpful to recognize some illnesses by their specific ending syllables.     -itis  [...]

By |2019-11-25T21:56:59-07:00February 29, 2012|Hints and Tips|Comments Off on How to categorize illnesses

“There is virtually no other biophysical process that has aroused so much interest as MRS….” (+ Webinar)

Dr. med. Rolf-Rainer Krapf, Ettlingen, Germany IMA International Medical Academy Translated excerpt from the book “Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy – Study research and state of the scientific discussion” “There is virtually no other biophysical process that has aroused so much interest over the past decades as magnetic field therapy. [...]

By |2019-02-19T09:40:37-07:00January 9, 2012|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on “There is virtually no other biophysical process that has aroused so much interest as MRS….” (+ Webinar)

MRS – PREVENTIVE – Tribute to our cells and Webinar

Preventive medicine - Prophylaxis Feel your best every day! Well rested and energized from dawn to dusk! This is the key to enjoyment of life! The path to achieve this worthy goal should be as gentle as possible and yet as effective as possible. Have you done enough for yourself???? [...]

By |2018-03-22T22:44:31-06:00January 30, 2012|Why MRS|Comments Off on MRS – PREVENTIVE – Tribute to our cells and Webinar

MRS – Placebo??? Scientific Studies & Horse Video

While a positive attitude definitely beats a skeptical disposition when trying magnetic resonance stimulation, the possibility of placebo has always been addressed by health professionals or even users. It may be interesting to  know that more studies have been conducted with pulsed magnetic fields then with Aspirin, to name [...]

By |2018-03-26T10:26:36-06:00January 30, 2012|Hints and Tips|Comments Off on MRS – Placebo??? Scientific Studies & Horse Video
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