
About Hermina Danneil

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So far Hermina Danneil has created 129 blog entries.

Basic Rules for Selecting Field Strength for Local MRS Application

The treatment figures shown are general rules of thumb. Individual adjustments are absolutely necessary. Drink at least 6 to 8 cups of water! Cells need to be in a hydrated state. To learn everything about proper use of whole body applicator - MAT, PAD and PROBE please [...]

By |2018-09-25T11:55:00-06:00July 28, 2012|Hints and Tips|Comments Off on Basic Rules for Selecting Field Strength for Local MRS Application

Preventive Medicine – The Hidden Benefits of PEMF

Preventive medicine or prophylaxis consists of measures taken for disease prevention, as opposed to disease treatment.  In short, the term preventive medicine summarizes all preventive measures that contribute toward maintenance of health. Western medicine places far too little emphasis on preventive measures, whereas Eastern cultures emphasize prevention of disease.  In the [...]

By |2021-10-20T21:00:54-06:00March 9, 2018|Hermina's Blog, Why MRS|Comments Off on Preventive Medicine – The Hidden Benefits of PEMF

Magnetic Field Therapy – Supporting Orthodontics and Dentistry

Dr. Marie-Catherine Karkowski, Orthodontist, Munich, Germany Main focus: Oral orthopedics, Craniomandibular Dysfunction, MJ Syndromes, Bionator Therapy, Applied Kinesiology Translated excerpts of the article published in Informationsdienst Magnetfeldtherapie (Ausgabe 32) Magnetic Field Therapy - Supporting Orthodontics For many years, MFT has become an indispensible therapeutic practice within our concept of [...]

By |2019-03-04T20:55:57-07:00August 30, 2012|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on Magnetic Field Therapy – Supporting Orthodontics and Dentistry


Even though this documentation was not published  by a German MD, may this article by Dr. Joel Carmichael  serve as medical exchange. After introducing Dr. Carmichael to magnetic resonance stimulation in the year of 2006, he immediately expressed the desire to consult with eight German MDs, specialized in various [...]

By |2019-02-20T20:23:16-07:00July 30, 2012|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on PRE-SURGICAL and INTRA-OPERATIVE use of MRS

Importance of application DURATION. Should MRS be discontinued once in a while?

The duration of the whole body application can vary from 8, 16, sometimes up to 24 minutes. Normally, it is sufficient to apply the mat for 8 minutes. In case of acute illnesses, 8 minutes three times daily is recommended. Increasing the duration is not harmful, but may not [...]

By |2019-02-04T21:21:24-07:00May 30, 2012|Hints and Tips|Comments Off on Importance of application DURATION. Should MRS be discontinued once in a while?


May this  topic explain the “LOGIC BEHIND THE LOGIC” of magnetic resonance stimulation. "Looking behind the curtain"  would be a fascinating workshop by itself. Most biological functions occur via RECEPTORS AND MESSENGERS. Maybe the following parable will help to understand cell function in a humorous way: Hermina resides at [...]

By |2018-03-21T21:33:52-06:00March 30, 2012|Why MRS|Comments Off on BIOLOGICAL CHANGES DUE TO MAGNETIC FIELDS

MRS protecting Diabetics from further complications

DR. MED MARTIN GSCHWENDER, MUNICH, GERMANY General practitioner and Naturopathic Medicine, incorporating Magnetic Field Therapy since many years Translated excerpts of the article published in Informationsdienst Magnetfeldtherapie (Ausgabe 35) Preventing consequential diabetic health complications using MRS Diabetes has become a rapidly growing illness within our society. Presently, 239 Million [...]

By |2019-02-22T22:13:00-07:00June 12, 2012|From the Desk of German Doctors|Comments Off on MRS protecting Diabetics from further complications


This true statement was made by the German-French Physician and Medical Missionary in Africa, Albert Schweitzer.  Magnetic resonance stimulation may easily support this vision.  However, to understand our “doctor inside”, we also need to understand how to define health and illness. Health is the unified harmony and balance of a [...]

By |2018-03-21T20:12:47-06:00June 30, 2012|Why MRS|Comments Off on “EVERY PATIENT CARRIES HIS OR HER DOCTOR INSIDE” (Albert Schweitzer)


Scientific studies indicate that people treated with magnetic fields after surgery recover more quickly, improving wound healing and promoting regeneration.  It is further recommended to apply MRS one month before surgery, if at all possible.  Postoperative use of magnetic resonance stimulation depends essentially on the extent of the surgical procedure. [...]

By |2019-02-28T21:49:01-07:00February 20, 2019|Hints and Tips|Comments Off on APPLYING MRS BEFORE AND AFTER SURGERY
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