Documentation From the Desk of German MDs
This website page will provide translated excerpts from articles by German doctors, representing specific medical fields. Most articles were published in Magnetic Field Therapy Journals, covering the use and the benefits of MRS (abstracts and/or conclusion).
“Energy medicine, medicine of the future”
“MRS most valuable in the orthopedic office”
“MRS in medicine for men”
“MRS in dentistry”
“MRS important for diabetes”
“MRS in the field of oncology”
And other valuable articles
MEMBERS ONLY information below
- MRS and Conventional Medicine (Dr. Erich Ebner, MD)
- MRS in the Field of Orthopedics (Dr. Juergen Schmitt, MD)
- MRS and Police Dogs (Police Officer Report)
- MRS in Men’s Health (Dr. T. Freund, MD)
- MRS in Orthodontics and Dentistry (Dr. Catherine Klarkowski, Dentist)
- MRS- Pre-surgical & Intra-Operative ( Dr. Joel Carmichael DC,DACBSP)
- MRS – Protecting Diabetics (Dr. Martin Gschwender, MD)
- MRS in the Field of Ophthalmology (Dr.Walther, MD)
- MRS – Improving Dizziness (Dipl. med. Christiane Seifert)
- MRS in the Field of Respiratory Ailments (Dr. Striebel, MD)
- MRS in the Field of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Dr. med. Oliver Seeman)
- MRS in the Field of Oncology (Six articles by German MDs)
- Doctors Introduce Themselves (Magnetfeldtherapie Aktuell Journal, Germany)
- MRS Evaluation by Dr. Rolf-Rainer Krapf, MD
- WEBINAR following the end of all “Webpage Topic Sessions”
* The information on this website is not intended to be used as, or substituted for, the advice provided by your healthcare provider. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking professional medical care because of something you read on this website.
Conventional Medicine and Magnetic Resonance Stimulation
PD Dr. med. habil. Erich Ebner – Weimar, Germany Leading [...]
Orthopedics and the Use of Magnetic Fields
Dr. med. Juergen Schmitt, Orthopedist - Munich, Germany Integrating pulsed [...]
Magnetic Field Therapy beneficial for Police Dogs and their “Masters”
Wolfgang Weinlein, Munich Police Headquarter In charge of police [...]
Positive effects of Magnetic Field Therapy in Men’s Health
Dr. med. Thomas Freund – Schondorf/Stuttgart, Germany Since the year [...]
Magnetic Field Therapy – Supporting Orthodontics and Dentistry
Dr. Marie-Catherine Karkowski, Orthodontist, Munich, Germany Main focus: Oral orthopedics, [...]
Even though this documentation was not published by a German [...]
MRS protecting Diabetics from further complications
DR. MED MARTIN GSCHWENDER, MUNICH, GERMANY General practitioner and Naturopathic [...]
MRS in the field of Opthalmology
Dr. med Walther, Ophthalmologist, Raubling, Bavaria Incorporating magnetic field therapy [...]
Dipl. med. Christiane Seifert, General Physician, Leipzig Main focus: Acupuncture, Homeopathy, [...]
MRS in the field of Respiratory Ailments
Dr. med. Striebel, Hamburg-Uhlenhorst, Germany Specialized in General Medicine, Neural [...]
Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy – GREEN MEDICINE
Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy (to be exact: Magnetic Resonance Stimulation) [...]
MRS in the Field of Oncology
Translated extracts of six MD articles pertaining to MRS in [...]
“There is virtually no other biophysical process that has aroused so much interest as MRS….” (+ Webinar)
Dr. med. Rolf-Rainer Krapf, Ettlingen, Germany IMA International Medical Academy [...]
Powerful Voices of the Past Benefit PEMF Today
Doctors Introduce Themselves (Magnetfeldtherapie Aktuell Journal, Germany) Six German MDs [...]