The circulatory system is a vast network of organs and vessels. Without the circulatory system, the body would not be able to fight disease or maintain a stable internal environment, known as homeostasis. Circulation is the word used to describe the constant movement of blood around the body, made possible by the pumping action of the heart.  This movement or “flow” of blood takes place in a network of tubes known as blood vessels.  Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, while veins are blood vessels that carry blood towards it.

Your circulation of blood plays a very important role in your health as it transports adult stem cells, red and white blood cells, hormones, plasma etc.  At the capillary/venule bed (microcirculation) there is the movement of nutrients to every cell in the body; vitamins, minerals, amino acids (protein), carbohydrates like glucose, fats and most importantly the release of oxygen.  There is also the removal of carbon dioxide from all cells as well as the removal of metabolic acids. Your body knows how to heal itself but it first needs good microcirculation as a foundation for healthy cellular metabolism.

It is important to know how small your blood vessels are at this microcirculation level.  Often these blood vessels are only one red blood cell wide. Therefore it is essential for our health that the micro blood vessels are open and free flowing.

Circulation can deteriorate as we get older, but circulation problems can affect anyone who isn’t as active as one should be, regardless of age.   Symptoms of poorer circulation include things like cold hands and feet, muscle cramps and tired, “heavy” or aching legs. We can improve our circulation by proper exercise and eating a circulation-friendly diet.

According to research and study, magnetic resonance stimulation (MRS) has proven to optimize several key physiological parameters in blood circulation that are vital for healthy cellular metabolism. The delivery of oxygen can considerably be increased. MRS also stimulates the natural vasomotion (spontaneous blood vessel oscillation independent of heart beat). According to scientific literature,  after only 8 minutes exposure to a harmonious magnetic field, blood viscosity is decreased due to dis-assembly of Rouleaux formation (coin-like stacking of red blood cells),  consequentially enhancing microcirculation.

Performing dark field microscopy during “iMRS” presentations, participants can see their own blood prior and after an “iMRS” device session, experiencing the disappearing of coined red blood cells, while white blood cells can triple in size. 

ThermographyLEFT: Further research with heat cameras has demonstrated the increase in circulation after being subjected to a pulsating magnetic field.

Scientific literature by Rolf-Rainer Krapf, MD (“Study research and state of the scientific discussion”)  suggests that MRS promotes increased production of nitric oxide (NO) which is triggered by CA++.  NO is the molecule which over the past few years has been recognized as biological wonder with its strong vaso-dilatory effect (dilates vessels) on the veins, arterioles and capillaries (mircrocirculation).  In other words, increasing NO results in an increase of tissue circulation.

Summary:  A pulsating magnetic field causes the blood vessels to dilate which improves circulation in the tissue.  This has incredible therapeutic consequences because so far it has not been possible to treat circulatory disturbances caused by lack of movement or stress.
In addition, MRS increases and maintains the body’s cell potential (70 – 90 millivolts) due to increased oxygen supply and accelerated function of ion pumps, resulting in higher ATP production (adenosine tri-phosphate – energy or fuel of the cell).

Interesting link to watch:

(There is no audio so I will briefly share what you are viewing.) Red blood cells are coining together. At minute 1:04 it shows that after magnetic resonance stimulation, red blood cells are no longer coining, also white blood cells have increased in size. Exposed to a simulated Earth electromagnetic field, our blood cells literally grab the electrons in the field. Every red blood cell has an identical electrical field. Therefore cells no longer coin or attract, but instead repel.


Second link:

This video by Dr. Magda Havas PhD shows the circulatory improvement when exposed to magnetic resonance stimulation (MRS). These are not blood vessels, but capillaries smaller than a human hair. According to PubMed studies, PEMF has proven to dilate capillaries by as much as 9%.

Lastly, magnetic resonance stimulation will be your most effective and most reliable complementary therapy to positively influence your body’s inherent ability to heal and regulate itself.